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Explore our vast collection of unique one-of-a-kind objects. Salvaged, reclaimed, or repurposed, use your imagination to complete your treasure hunt and find that perfect conversation piece for your space.
Chairs, Tables, Windows, Cabinets, Shelves, Hutches, Beds, Bath Tubs, Mantels

Gears, Stain Glass, Finials, Industrial, Light fixtures

Barn Wood, Timber Frames, Flooring, Siding, Beams

Finials, Braces, Gears, Doors, Windows

Industrial Tools, Primitives, Farm Equipment, Machinery

See something you like? Call us 908-763-2353 for availability and private showing. Visit us on Facebook.
"Enhance your Space with a Piece of History"
For Inquiries & Appointments:
Phone/Text: 908-763-2353
FB Message: ratreasures
Visit: Belvidere, NJ & Ringoes, NJ
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